PHONE NUMBER: 7733177527

(773) 317-7527 is a landline number operated by SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P. located near Chicago, Illinois.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 252 searches and 4 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

No message left they called yesterday. However, I tried to call back and the message was "this is not a working number".

They leave a claim number & never say who they are or why they are calling but they are looking to speak to my stepdaughter who hasn't lived with me in 17 years & they call all day everyday !!! Several months ago I had called them back & they said they were calling from Comcast . I asked what is Comcast ?!? Seriously... I had no clue! I think it was a legitimate call because " the stepdaughter " just got evicted (AGAIN!!!) & they wanted their cable equipment back ( that she probably sold ! ) I figured if I give them all the information they need & nicely ( in my b***Y fake nice voice ) tell them that I would like them to remove my phone # from their calling list immediately please ??!! That'll be great & I really do appreciate that!!! Sooooo ... They didn't take my # off their list & ( I guess I was right about her selling their equipment) she never returned it!! b***!!!! But WTF Do you want me to do???! You want me to Give you mine from optimum???!?? So she said OHH???! SO YOU DO HAVE OUR EQUIPMENT!!!!! Where can we come to pick it up & we will need to get paid on the balance ..... BLAH BLAH BLAH. FKNG BLAHHHH! The b*** was talking to me like she was a rookie cop , I even felt guilty & ashamed!!! HAHAHAHA SO I HAD ENOUGH !!! Told her to take my FKING # off her calling list & GO EFFF YOURSELF & DONT CALL HERE AGAIN MTHRFKER!!!! Well ..... Today ...... It's starting again....

IRS scammer left message that was computer generated. One of several numbers that have called on my cell during past two weeks.

Called me cell. No message. Reported to police.


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