PHONE NUMBER: 7702179484

(770) 217-9484 is a landline number operated by XO GEORGIA located near Roswell, Georgia.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,310 searches and 11 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), fraud (4 times), bank (2 times), bank account (2 times), loan (1 time), SSN (1 time), recorded message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

same number...called with two different people, 3 times. i thought they had quit as i delt with this for a while but they are back at it. they use menacing tones and words that sound important like your "bank account" and "social security number" to make you feel scared and threatened.

Same thing here. Definitely a scam. Credits must identify themselves and their companies in any conversation or message.

Same thing happened to me just now. The guy sounded like he was using a machine to change his voice. Very scary. I will not call him baclick. Especially after reading these comments.

Said I was involved in fraud. My name, bank account, and s.s. number were all involved and I needed to have my retained attorney or myself call immediately. BAH HA HA BA.... I DON'T THINK SO SCAMMERS!!!!

A message was left on my phone with all the stuff about name, ss#, law suit etc. I called back from a blocked number and the man who answered was furious that my number was blocked. He said that I was a fake hiding behind a blocked number. He would not tell me his name or his company. So I told him I would report his scam and hung up.

Called me today also.. Same sort of stuff, Iraq scam !!!!

I got the call from this number today and called them back cause they called three times. They said that equity funding was filing criminal charges against me for a payday loan I took out and didn't pay. I haven't had the account they were questioning about in 10yrs but they said it went to collection last year. Seriously?!?!

Got 3 messages from them today. SCAM I know I'm not in any fraud crap so I will not call them back.

Received first phone call on May 5th, person identified herself as Kimberly Lowe, Private Investigator, my name, ssn came up in a fraud investigation. Needed to call back, if I didn't, charges would filed against me. Today, 5/16, I received a call from an unidentified male stating basically the same rhetoric. No identifiers such as my name, etc., just that name, ssn, fraud...blah, blah, back need to speak with me. If anyone else receives these types of calls, do not return their call, it's a scam and they are trying to get your personal information, trying to scare you into giving up personal information so they can get money. Contact the Federal Trade Commission and make a complaint. Provide as much information as you can, date, time, name if one left, phone number, context of message. This has got to stop and citizens need to really proactive and protect themselves. Don't fall into their trap.

Hack call attempting to get personal information.

I keep getting some recorded message about my name, ss and other information being involved in a fraud investigation, but when you call the number its the same recording over and over. called me back to back and even when I answer no one is there just the recording and the same number being left.OMG


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