PHONE NUMBER: 7655571738

(765) 557-1738 is a landline number operated by AMERITECH INDIANA located near Muncie, Indiana.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 972 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), IRS (4 times), automated message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

7655571738 - voicemail message, very hard male voice - knew my first name. Would like to know how he obtained that. Nothing else, just said my first name, then silence and clicking. Then, some automated voice "case number" - blah blah, blah blah, nothing more. These people need to be sentenced to do community service one year for each and every harrassing, belligerent, fear mongering scam call they perpetrate. And that's the polite version of what they should be sentenced to.

765-557-1361 claimed to be IRS and was going to sue me - automated message

Identical scam message

Scammers claiming to represent the IRS. Returned their call >10x. Spoofed my caller ID info and made them read my caller ID name to me ('I EAT POOP', 'THIS IS CRIME', etc...)

Ditto. Scam

Said they had a case to talk to me about. Sketchy sketch sketch.

Said they were the IRS and they were filing suit against me.... The IRS has an 800 number and isn't based in Indiana... But Washington D.C. They also do not use Robo Dialers....

Robotic message claiming to be the IRS saying they are suing me. Claimed they have been trying to reach me, clearly lies. they did not have my name or any other information about me.

Robo call leaving a message that there is a law suit... I've never been in a law suit but i don't think they use robo callers...


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