PHONE NUMBER: 7606589164

(760) 658-9164 is a landline number operated by NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS located near Oceanside, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 505 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), IRS (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Same as above. This is laughable! I just deleted the call and I will ignore it and patiently wait for the FBI to come and arrest me lol! Just another scam. Do not respond.

This is the third or fourth call I've received from this person over the past year. Every couple of months he changes his number, but I recognize the same foreign accent for each call. He claims to be from the US Treasury Department or from the IRS. The last time he called he claimed his name was "Dennis Quaid". He seems to have a penchant to name himself after famous actors. Ha!

they called 4 times..

Steve Martin is a busy guy. same as all the above responses!

Called me at 11:45 last night..said same things as above..went thru my caller ID saw they called 4 times yesterday!!!

Hi, this message is intended to contact you. My name is Steve Martin and I'm calling regarding an enforcement actions by US Treasury... ignoring this will be an intentional 2 attempt--- Sounded like they were from India or Pakistan.

said he was Steve MARTIN from the department of treasury, 1500 PA Ave, Washington DC. Said I owed back taxes and had a warrant for my arrest if I didn't pay. DO NOT SEND THIS CALLER ANY MONEY - THIS IS A SCAM!!!

Same as most commenters. This number is a scam.

US Treasury same as the others have said

Bogus call claiming recipient has committed a crime, oh noez! From a pack fo a$$holes claiming to be representing The US Treasury! LOL, sad, pathetic, weak, utterly idiotic phishing scam call, do not answer.

called twice tonigt and left same recoded voice mail treasury enforcement action - appear before a magistrate judge - or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense advise you to cooperate with us to allow us to help you

us treasury enforcement action - appear before a magistrate judge - or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense advise you to cooperate with us to allow us to help you


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