PHONE NUMBER: 7342602705

(734) 260-2705 is a landline number operated by SPRINT SPECTRUM L.P. located near Ann Arbor, Michigan.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,413 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: credit card (2 times), IRS (1 time), scam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Female called telling use were going to be sued by the IRS. Gave us a number to call. Did not have anyway to write the number down at that time. Said they had been trying to reach us. They have called twice. Didn't try to get any info. just said IRS was going to sue us and we needed to call this number. Which, I am sorry I do not have. They called on my husbands cell phone !

Credit hackers

Missed a call from this number. No voicemail.

Just missed a call from this number and when I called back, it didn't even ring a recording just comes on and says " the number or code you have dialed is incorrect, please check the number and dial again"..... strange considering only 8 people know my phone number.....

Just called me twice asking about credit card info. When I hung up they called again from (319) 225-2130. Please be aware!

called a number that is private!

It's a credit card scam and after you press 2 to be taken off their list, they call you from another number

3 calls all in a row

No answer when I picked up. put on mute until they hung up . . .


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