PHONE NUMBER: 7242017417

(724) 201-7417 is a landline number operated by ARMSTRONG TELECOMMUNICATIONS located near New Castle, Pennsylvania.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 7,239 searches and 17 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), accident (1 time), fraud (1 time), IRS (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Automated feminine voice, claimed to be representing the IRS, also claimed that I was under criminal investigation for alleged fraudulence, and that the call was a warning to inform me of legislative action being taken on the IRS' behalf. Their claim is not true, I have never fabricated any sort of identity, or taken part in illicit financial activity of any sort. Conniving, manipulative charlatans, as suggested by previous reviews of this number. Honestly, given the amount of hucksters blowing up my phone on a daily basis, I wouldn't be surprised if the boy has just cried wolf too many times to actually pay attention to an actual investigation, if I ever do accidentially commit a white collar crime...

Automated voiceover left me a voicemail stating "I need you to return the call. The issue at hand is extremely time sensitive. The hotline to my desk is 727-201-7714 I repeat it's 727-201-7714. Do not disregard this message, do return the call now if you don't return the call and I don't hear from your attorney either then the only thing I can do is wish you good luck as the situation unfolds on you. Good bye." Very creepy- from these comments I'm not sure why it would have anything to do with an attorney? But definitely a scammer!

Said hello many times, and they hung up on me. I was reading through the above comments, and there would be no reason an extended warranty service would me calling me. SCAMMERS!!!

answered and they hung up, called back and got the option to be put on do not call list, I just blocked them on my phone instead :)

Extended vehicle warranty offer. They buy information from XM/Sirrus

They call me every two months, its just some lazy stinky Mexican scammers from Pa, what they don't know is I know who they are and I've been watching them. Theyre masking they're number online but I'm waiting to hack there pc as soon as I get time, I'm too busy trying to get the big fishes. Theyre just wet back corona sippin wanna be vatos

Called about a late payment on a vehicle I have never owned. Younger male hung up when I asked where he was calling from...

Also called about a vehicle I no longer own. This is the second time they have called.

Said hello 3 times and nothing. Guessing their machine didn't have an agent ready to take the call.....sigh.

I didn't take the call (my assistant told them I wasn't there). I did call back and there was an option to press "1" to place on their "do not call list." May take 48 hours to be in effect. We'll see how that works.

Someone from Nissan Extended Warranty service. I have a warranty and my factory isnt up for another 3 years!!

Didn't answer. But if the caller is indeed calling about a car, I live and purchased my vehicle in Seattle, WA as a used car. There's no need for them to be calling me from Western PA, so you can bet this is a scam.

Just received a call from this number. Dealer services regarding my warranty that is about to expire on my vehicle...except that I have an extended warranty already... Load off crap.

I said hello 3 times before anyone responded, claimed to be some kind of dealer services. Asked about my mom's car that I have no ties to. It's a scam to get money.

Claimed to be an extended warranty on my car. When I said iI wasn't paying $198 start up fee or the $70 a month he said wow your such a pleasure to talk to. It was a young kid at first that connected me to the "agent" seems like bull to me. The only reason I listened at first I was making dinner and had it on speaker hope they can't get anything from being on the phone.....

Just had the same thing. Hung up as soon as I said I didn't have the car she was talking about any longer.

Claims to be from service department regarding my car. She instantly hung up after claiming where she was calling from. Some sort of scam


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