PHONE NUMBER: 7156052589

(715) 605-2589 is a landline number operated by NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS located near Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,070 searches and 13 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (8 times), scam (3 times), automated message (2 times), fraud (1 time), bank (1 time), internal revenue service (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

715-494-9642 left message that it was the IRS and that they had a lawsuit against me and to call them back.

Same message as above. I then attempted to reach local & federal IRS offices to get info on how to handle, (get help) or respond to call. After numerous calls to voice animated screenings (never a real person) I used who-calledme##### & finally received results. Thank you very much.

Yes I got the same message today 4/29 the telephone company sure come up with a solution on how we can block these calls like we do with cellphones

An automated message was left on my cellphone saying "the IRS has filed a lawsuit against me" and i should contact them. I returned the call but no answer and then the call cut off. Can't say for sure who these people are but i do know that when returning a call to large business that you owe money, they will answer the phone.

I'm Canadian and in Canada and just received two calls today from 7156052589 claiming to be the IRS and telling me they were filing a lawsuit against me LMAO...Check the location of the numbers you are trying to SCAM ...

They claim is the IRS but is bulls***

715-605-2589 I gave them call back. Call from IRS I have to pay money or go to jail . I have to say right now or will be arrested, FRAUD

I got a call from some unknown number in Russia and since I didn't know anyone from Russia I did not answer and the voicemail message had this number (which was not on the caller ID) and some automated message to call back immediately. I tried calling at my work phone and it just keeps ringing.

Called said i owed them $7983 told me to drive to bank, then they would give me address to send it to ☺ and I have warrant out on me and would get 1 year in prison if not paid!! Well I guess shackles and chains my friends, atleast I'll get some quite time!!!!

Same message as the above folks.

Scam. Don't talk to them. Don't call them back. They are trying to get your personal information

This number called my phone with an automated voice saying "this is a message from the IRS" saying that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me.

This unknown number called my phone; call was not answered. Message was left in voicemail box; Automated voice states that " this is a message from IRS Internal Revenue Services the reason for this call is to inform you that IRS is filing lawsuit against you , bla bla bla bla. Scammers!


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