PHONE NUMBER: 7148692729

(714) 869-2729 is a landline number operated by MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS located near Anaheim, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 1,200 searches and 4 comments identifying with this number.


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Called three times in a row and hung up as I answered.

I've had the same experience as the person who posted 9/19/2016. No VM was left for me. I called the number and was greeted with "if you no longer wish to receive calls press 9" or something to that effect. I pressed 9 and the call then ended immediately.

caller id said "advice brands" they have called 3 times every day for a week. i have yet to pick up they never leave a message.

It was hard to understand this person, but they have called me at work several times. The first time I answered, they asked is this XXXXXX (my name), I said yes and then they asked do I still work at xxxxxx. They called me at work.... I told the person I was at work and I did not have time for this call. They called back at least 4 times today. I answered the 3rd call and told them again I do not have time for this type of call. My phone rang yet again today and it was them AGAIN!!! What part of I don't have time for these calls don't they understand?


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