PHONE NUMBER: 7144514170

(714) 451-4170 is a landline number operated by ALLEGIANCE TELECOM located near Anaheim, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 517 searches and 4 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), fraud (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

They're definitely a scam artist but they're getting better these days have to be more careful with scumbags like these. I'm going to report them to my friend who specializes in electronics fraud for the sheriff department. But most importantly to Anyone who reads this always check people out if you don't officially get something from the courts just another scumbag company like this trying to rob us. They're also associated with this number(888) 589-9951. And remember lawyers never block their numbers they want everyone to know who's calling

They're definitely a scam artist but they're getting better these days have to be more careful with scumbags like these. I'm going to report them to my friend who specializes in electronics fraud for the sheriff department. But most importantly to Anyone who reads this always check people out if you don't officially get something from the courts just another scumbag company like this trying to rob us.

They have called my job 2 times in one week, called me and my husband leaving rude messages telling me that I needed to take care of this, I told him to stop calling my job and he said he would continue to call and the sheriff department would deliver papers to my job The numbers they called me from were.866-885-1473 and 714-451-4170

I initially got a call from 714-451-4652 stating the company name Kaufman & Associates. He did it give his name but he gave nea case number and told me my contact person-Scott Ledger and I was to call him at 714-451-4652. So I called and the guy had no clue I was calling him. Though I was told the previous caller told me he would..too funny. He gave me the dollar amount I owed and I told him that my lawyer is taking care of my finances and he said "we don't work with third parties" oh well I guess they don't want to get paid.


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