PHONE NUMBER: 7143330931

(714) 333-0931 is a landline number operated by MATRIX TELECOM located near Anaheim, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,363 searches and 6 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (5 times), scam (2 times), automated message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Never returned their call. Says she is with the IRS, and I do not owe the IRS money and the IRS sends out letter that are legit and then you call. Do not call this number!

Called me a couple times, with an American Woman's Voice "recording", saying they were from the IRS and IF I Didn't return their call "They" would Have to take Legal Action! I Did Call back And the Voice on the Other end was Not American! Sounded like an Hispanic. I was recieving Calls, a couple years ago, from someone Saying he was with Publishers Clearing House and I had Won Money! But...I Had to purchase a Blue Dot Card for "so much money to Get it"! It Was The SAME Voice, but a Different Number!

People trying to scam me into thinking I have a problem with the IRS and for me to call back immediately to resolve some type of IRS problem or I will be jailed and or fined. This IS NOT the IRS and they are scammers !!

I need to call back time senitive important call from IRS

Irs call stating to call back immediately or they would take action

Said from the it's and taking legal action

I never got a real person. Just automated this is the IRS crap!! I'm getting calls from this number several times a day and it needs to stop!! I will be reporting this to the police dept and I hope others do too!!

I got the same call. Sounds like a scam. I'm sure if you were in any real trouble, it would be an actual human representative rather than an automated message. I am Ignoring the messages.

Left a message that was computerized. When I called the number I got a man asking me for my number and when I did not give it to him, he asked me if I was Bethany, which I was not. It was a foreign speaking man and it was really noisey. When I started questioning him about the call he hung up on me.

Left message stating they are an attorney with the IRS.


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