PHONE NUMBER: 7139362465

(713) 936-2465 is a landline number operated by ONVOY located near Houston, Texas.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 845 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (6 times), scam (4 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

It's a scum bag trying to scare and rob people - may he and all like him rot in Hell.

BEWARE of scam caller Mark Warson claiming from IRS with callback number of 713-936-2465. He called me twice and left message but when i called back got buzy sound.

My Mom received the same message this morning. She was so scared she was practically crying. I listed to the voicemail and he has a Middle Eastern accent claiming to be the IRS and that her property is under investigation. He said it was important to return the phone call today: 713.936.2465

Got a voicemail message and I sent a text back stating to never call my number again and his number has been reported. Doubt it will deter him but so tired of all these calls from numbers I don't know. This is the first to leave an actual voicemail though. I think I may start texting all the random numbers back now.

My elderly mother received a call from this number this morning. She was very upset, frightened and confused. I wish there was something that could be done about these calls!

Scam claiming to be an agent of the IRS, and that we were being investigated, just like most of the other respondents above.

received same message, name and call back number

Message let on my phone by someone claiming to be from the IRS saying my property was under investigation and I needed to call back today. Foreign Accent as the above people stated. I never called back just looked up the number because my property is paid for and has been for years.

My mother just got a call this morning. The MO was the same as all the other stories indicated. She played the voicemail for me and I immediately knew it was a scam and to look up the callback number. Hopefully, this person is caught soon.

Someone calling themselves Officer Mark Watson, from the IRS, strange accent, needed to talk to me today, IRS has started processing a case against me.

Someone calling themselves Officer Mark Watson called and claimed to be working for the IRS. He had a strange accent and sounded as if he were reading from a script.

Got a call this morning with a Middle Eastern voice claiming a case against me and to call as soon as possible. Just like the other dozens of scam calls me and my friends are getting.


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