PHONE NUMBER: 6518293418

(651) 829-3418 is a landline number operated by CELLCO PARTNERSHIP DBA VERIZON WIRELESS - MN located near St. Paul, Minnesota.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 602 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: debt (3 times), SSN (1 time), spam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

calls every 30 minutes no VM, very annoying really! It is time to blocking it!

I know you guys are a debt collection office. Do yourself a favor and get in a New job field. Collections is a dead and gone business. There's no more $8000-$10,000 bonus checks anymore. As you can see they're is too many deadbeats out here not wanting to take care of their Bill. Your introduction is bad and you need a better beginning. Asking someone to verify their address and verify their last 4 of SSN is a horrible way of beginning. If you need a better talk off I'll gladly sell you one that's compliant. Lol

The DNC list does not apply to debt collectors. If you want them to stop calling, you need to put it in writing. This is your right under the FDCPA. The next time they call, demand a legitimate, physical mailing address in which to send a cease communication letter VIA certified mail with return receipt requested. If they refuse, let them know your attorney will get this information for you and see them in court.

They call me at least 2 times a day and never leave a voicemail and I have asked them not to cal and signed up for the do not call registry and they keep calling

I keep getting calls from this number. Indont recognize it so i dont answer. They wont leave voice mail so i ignore the call. This fact alone red flags me because any legitimate caller would leave voice mail. After reading they pose as a collection agency for Time Warner , i definitely will block this number.

CSI Claimed i had a business matter pending Wanted to go thru verification process before getting into details i refused cause i will not be giving my personal info out to a call coming from out of state . I am a Deb collector and am very familiar with the prototypical . I am on the DNC list so I do not accpet these calls I will block them

Called about the third time this month ask me for my name and said that they had an important message to disclose to me but needed to verify that it was actually me ask for my social last four and my date of birth which I did not give them disregard this phone number, it's spam

They had the wrong number. Person they were looking for was not at my number. Did not let them know that though. I just kept saying hello like I could not hear them. Frustrated the *@%^&* out of them. They hung up. I'll see if they are dumb enough to call back, if so I'll do the same thing.

For weeks now I have been receiving telephone calls from 651-829-3418 showing up as IT Systems. There is never anyone on the line. Now I am getting close to contacting a lawyer to file a harassment suit against this company ... if, indeed, it is a company.

They've called me every day for the past week, twice. It's always in the morning. I hope they die a firey death.

Debt collection call

This number keeps calling our office and then disconnecting right after we answer.


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