PHONE NUMBER: 6474959390

(647) 495-9390 is a landline number operated by Iristel Inc. located near Toronto, Canada.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,074 searches and 15 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: CRA (3 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Anyone else's fake "Officer" have a thick New York accent??

Any one called RCMP ?

Got this msg too same thing telling me to call back either myself or my lawyer, wishing me luck if I dont return the call bla bla bla...

Officer foster claiming to be from the CRA and threatening me.

I got a message too from office Arid Foster. He left a call back number 647-495-9390.

I got this kind of message half hour ago. The guy said he was CRA officer. Fake call for sure.

I got such a message too form Officier Eric Foster

"extremely time sensitive" message from Office Arid Foster. He gives the same number as a hotline. "don't try to disregard this message"

VSM left from Const. Eric Foster threatening dire consequences if the call is not returned immediately and warning NOT to ignore the call.

Just got this call very threatening identifying as a police officer.

fake police officer saying to call back immediately and threatening legal action.

I got such a message too.

Identified as officer from CRA - VERY THREATENING!

They leave a msg on VM is threatening

They leave a message on voicemail & another number saying to call 888-281-6577 gives a name officer Brian John says to get my lawyer to call the message is threatening me that whatever happens is in my hands if I don't call wishing me luck if I don't call


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