PHONE NUMBER: 6468448365

(646) 844-8365 is a landline number operated by BANDWIDTH.COM CLEC located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 912 searches and 4 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), bank (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

These people call numerious of times, they are scammers, at anytime of you answering this call DO NOT SAY the word "YES". they are recording your voice, so they can get access to anything of your finances. Either turn them in to Federal Bureau or block there number. They are ripp off people.

I was called multiple times by this number on 2/1/17. I did not answer those calls and they did not leave a message. I called back for the first time at 6:02 pm. Someone with a heavy accent answered and identified herself as Veronica from the US Treasury. She did not tell me what she was calling about, because I asked her to remove me from their calling list as I knew they were scammers (I googled the number prior to returning their call). She immediately hung up on me. We repeated this (me calling, asking to be removed from their call list, her hanging up) 8 additional times. Then on the 10th total call back to them, her only words to me were "Just shut up, OK?" I called back an 11th time and an accented man answered; he did not ID himself. He said that they would not call me again. I then reported them to the Federal Trade Commission

I can hear a tv in the back on my voice mail. Did not leave a message

Received a call from NY 646-844-8365 but caller hung up on me when I answered. I called back & a foreign lady answered. She told me I was selected for a Federal Grant from US Treasury of $1000.00. She already knew my name and address. Then she gave me my confirmation code AJ216 and told me to call her supervisor at 646-751-8137. I called and a foreign man answered. He told me I would receive $9,000 if I went to Wal*Mart with $250 cash or bank card from my savings or checking account and call him back from the parking lot. I told him I do not have $250 and he told me I can do this deal as soon as I get the $250 by calling back and asking for Jacob at extension 109.


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