PHONE NUMBER: 6463741923

(646) 374-1923 is a landline number operated by OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,217 searches and 16 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (7 times), IRS (5 times), fraud (4 times), governor (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Same as above IRS scam

IRS SCAM 6463741923

The IRS never call any They mail if required Ignore the called See the number details Scrolling down then : block this caller

Supposedly the IRS

Immediately claim I have an arrest warrant for unpaid taxes when just by using my name to look up my file… Do not give them money immediately challenge them and they will hang up the call

IRS Fraud Investigator

Someone claiming to be in NY but working for my local police Dept. They claim that we owe money to the IRS and that there is an arrest warrant out for me. They say they need me to call a separate number to pay.

They threaten to arrest its comedy


got the call 2 times and call back works and they arnt very smart

I just got the robo caller this morning. Same number as above. I did not call back, googled it immediately. It is a SCAM.

6463741923 Phoned, did not leave message. If this is an IRS fraud/scam, as other have reported, those responsible are very stupid, as NY state, and the entire NYC metro area, including suburbs, have been warned about this by IRS, the NY attorney general, the governor, my county executive, et al....I didn't answer and do not ever answer calls when numbers are unknown to me.

IRS scammer

IRS Scam

same as above. Robo caller, IRS Fraud, I have committed fraud on tax return. Call back number immediately, BS. IRS does not send a robo call

IRS Fraud Investigator. Recorded voice. I have commited fraud on my tax return. Call back number immediately


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