PHONE NUMBER: 6297779380

(629) 777-9380 is a landline number operated by ONVOY located near Nashville, Tennessee.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 958 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), credit card (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Called today (2/6/17) at 1:46 pm. Saying "your business listing and phone number have been flagged" and "press 1 to verify or press 2 to...". Too bad I don't have a business to be listed. Whatever you do, don't press anything or call the number back, even if you blocked your number, they will still know it's you calling. If you do they will know they called a legit number and will either call more or give it to other scammers. These people are such a pain in the a*s. I now have 55 numbers and 60 area codes blocked since getting this number in May 2015. If I didn't have the Panasonic phone that allowed me to block area codes, these people would just spoof another number and call back. At some point, they will run out of area codes to use. The problem with some of them is they use local numbers (not in this case) so I obviously can't block the area code.

No message, just a called me to see if anyone would answer Pain

terrible...really bad people


just called me and didn't leave message. blocked!

i don't answer numbers i do not recognize i let them go to voicemail and if they don't leave a message i don't call back - if i receive another call i block them

629-777-9380 belongs to SEO scammers who use various phone numbers to phish for credit card info while pretending to be google or working with google. AVOID!


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