PHONE NUMBER: 6265449080

(626) 544-9080 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF CALIFORNIA located near Pasadena, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,164 searches and 11 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), IRS (5 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

626 5449080 called said j was gonna get a lawsuit filed against me

IRS scam!!

Well I received this call few min ago actually this has been happening at least 2 to 3 times a day everyday for the past week saying me and my family are being sued and that they have made several attempts in contacting me by mail and no response has been made .I'm not goin to lie I thought the same thing the person above thought lol that it might actually be real. Obviously this has happened to several of you guys so I'm glad I'm not alone.and I've been told its a scam and be aware so thanks for the feedback !! Hope this helps someone else also !!

I just got a call from them a few minutes ago, tired of them calling me, stating IRS is filing a suit against me. Go ahead because I know that the IRS will not contact you by phone.

Wow, not going to lie I did think for a min it was the IRS calling me. I knew something was sketchy so I googled the number and found this site and everyone's wonderful comments. Thank God for google!!! Thanks for the feedback people.

They were supposedlygrom the irs so I called and some error came on scam scam scam

I was told to call this number bad. They said they were the IRS and that they were preparing law suits against me. I call the number and hear some sore of error code.

I got the same a call a moment ago. I loved screwing with these thieves yes thieves. Scammed bug time please people if you are reading this is won't call you and threaten law suit. Laugh at them and threaten to call fbi

I had the most fun calling these idiots back until they kept blocking my calls. They claim to be from the IRS and when asked for their IRS badge number and location (phone recorded as Alahambra, CA) who proceeded to tell me he was located in Waco, Texas. They are in a highly active call center with others as many people as well as the same individuals kept answering my calls. They actually got annoyed with me which made me laugh and try harder. The IRS will never contact you by beware of these idiots but go ahead and have some fun

IRS scam!!

Irs Scammer


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