PHONE NUMBER: 6265440024

(626) 544-0024 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF CALIFORNIA located near Pasadena, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,014 searches and 11 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), IRS (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Caller was a foreign speaking male.He said the same thing everyone else has stated. He left this message on my voice mail so I still have the recording. I hope he didn't call any elderly people they tend to fall for scams easier.

Received the same msg as others....claiming grand jury blah blah call back or will be in big trouble....foreign speaking man.....why is this happening? does anyone fall for this?

Received the same threatening "help us, help you" message.

I received the same call but he left it on my voicemail! So I have a recording and he sounds nasty mean! How are our numbers being given to these scammers?

Received the same message as everyone else. Foreign speaking male and he gave no name. "An initial appearance before the magistrate judge for the grand jury for federal criminal offense, etc., etc." Called the number he supplied 626-544-0024 and no one answered. What is this? These people should be reported.

Third call for me, first one from this number. Same thing though. I'm waiting for those Feds to show up, LOL.

Said they were from ITS and was calling to say my father owed taxes.. my father has past away he doesn't owe anything!!!!

Eastern Asian or Latino accented male; typical word usage to garner attention and emplaced fear/I still fear to the receiver of the call. Federal magistrate in another state for criminal offense b.s. A recall and those @$$h0/e$ line has been put out of service... Lol...

Vague, scary message about being in violation of something, and ending with "help us help you."

Something about federal court magistrate?

A new IRS caller to inform me that this is my second notice. And I will be in violation of a court order of some sort.


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