PHONE NUMBER: 6126051884

(612) 605-1884 is a landline number operated by BROADWING COMMUNICATIONS located near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 6,869 searches and 19 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (11 times), IRS (5 times), spam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

This is a scam! States they are the IRS, when I ask questions they hang up, I call back and they yell and hang up. Call again and I was told they can see me and I am a playful women...

This is a scam! States they are the IRS, when I ask questions they hang up, I call back and they yell and hang up. Call again and I was told they can see me and I am a playful women...

IRS scam call.

612 615 1884 called me twice as well as another number with an Atlanta area code (404 400 3358) leaving the same threatening message about "the situation unfolding upon you." Sounds like a scam to me. Anyone official would be sending certified letters....

Same as above. I called back and told them my name was Ima Pigg. Then told her to check under Bertha Butt. She told me to shut up and hung up on time scam!

This is one of three, another from New York, and the Southeast US.

+1 (612) 605-1884 Minneapolis, MN threatning caller stating I will be arrested -unless resolve lawsuit by IRS- can't really hear them because little English and 10 other ppl in room - Im pretty sure the IRS has my address -scam!

The same thing happen to me. Do not respond back to these people.

IRS scam phone calls!


Rob call telling me to get a lawyer

Left to robo message telling me to get an attorney and if I do not "good luck as the situation unfolds".

IRS scammer, saying to get an attorney and, "good luck as the situation unfolds on you." Very threatening, complete with a bogus case number.

612-605-1884 threatening message telling me to get an attorney. SPAM!

They left a vm which ended with "if you or your retained attorney do not call back, I wish you good luck as the situation totally unfolds on you ". Scam IRS call.

Lmfao. The habeeb b*** said if i didn't take care of this lawsuit id be arrested in 40 minutes.

Robot call left threatening message. Called them for fun. Middle eastern man claiming I owed taxes. I like to mess with them. Do not give them any personal info!!!

Really weird message and threats! Do not call back, if there is a serious legal issue at hand certainly you would receive mail not a message from a threatening robot.

Scammers posing as IRS and tend to leave threatening messages. Phone number 612-605-1884. IRS always uses regular postal mail, not leave phone messages!!! Be aware of these scumbags!!!


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