PHONE NUMBER: 6122846453

(612) 284-6453 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,062 searches and 16 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (5 times), debt (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Silvia Holt called. It's a total scam. Just block the number and do not give them any personal information.

Sylvia called my number looking for my brother. Scam.

Idiot left a message for my ex-husband who does NOT have my telephone number!

Sylvia Holt called & left a threatening message. End of the call says it is from "Direct Recovery Services" for "the purpose of collecting this debt". The message had my name wrong. No such debt exists. This is a scam.

I got a call from this number and I am concerned about this. I am reporting this to get this solved.

Silvia Holt called and stated how "angry" she was about this "debt" and stated we had until 7pm to call or "federal legal action" would be taken, she then apologized for the "aggression" of this message, as well as Cory's message, which we had NO call from lol, and that if we call, "we'd be more courteous" this is a SCAM!!!

They have called everyone, friends and family that I haven't seen for 20 years, including my ex-husband whom I've been divorced from for 25 years! They are totally breaking the law. I will definitely report them. I'm calling my legal service today.

Another Sylvia Holt message. Glad I Googled the number before calling back. Very annoying.

Sylvia Holt called for my dead beat dad. Same info as everyone else. So glad I looked this up!!

A lady called from this number with a very threatening tone and was giving ultimatum but never once said who she represents or why she was calling, just that I need to call back right away...I think it's another scam...

just got a call with the same message. I called them back using different phone. Sylvia picked up and I asked her what is this company doing or is this a lawer office. Then she hang up with no respond. So I looked up on web and found out, not only me. So, I post this to alert everyone...

They left a message saying I am in federal trouble I need to get a lawyer or call them today before 7pm they were asking for Guillermo Velasquez

Sylvia Holt, said she was from a federal Government looking for my Nephew, Failure to respond by 7pm with an attorney...Blah Blah Blah..

Very threatening

Sylvia Holt called all of my family & me left a rude message

Sylvia Holt has been busy! Blocked!


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