PHONE NUMBER: 6078210345

(607) 821-0345 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Binghamton, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 846 searches and 8 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: support (5 times), tech support (4 times), scam (4 times), microsoft (2 times), bank (1 time), bank account (1 time), prank call (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I think the caller was from Brother Technical Services. I had been gypped by them before and have not agreed to anything. They have called me and my wife several times. The last couple of times They left a telephone message saying they claim they have my bank account number and will withdraw (the amount varies). This call it was $574. They want me to call them back, but I refuse. I'm looking for a way to stop these calls and stop the withdrawal if they attempt it. In the past I have told them emphatically that II do not want to do business them and to stop calling. They continue to call and threaten us financially. Any suggestions other than closing the account?

called my house and said that there was a trojan on my pc??? c'mon you got to be kidding me... please jam up their lines by giving them a call. stupid fake tech support

they are fake tech support claiming to work with microsoft

called three times and said they were micro soft techs and that my e-mail was "hackered" lol

they scammed my grandmother of 250 dollars. fake tech support

Jam this scammer's line up by calling them lol. They claim to be part of Microsoft Tech Support with a foreign accent.

really bad scammers. dont fall for the fake technical support scam. They tampered with my wifes computer and installed a virus. When I told them I am going to post this number on badnumbers, they got really mad and said that they want more people to call them. So hopefully you guys call this number and mess with them for a little while...haha

These guys are scammers claiming that they are certified technicians. They get remote access of your computer if you enter the 6 digit verification code and if you dont pay, they will put a virus, add a syskey, or delete system32. They also claim to be a pizza company (at times) lol. Forgot to mention, these scammers also made some serious death threats. I recommend prank calling these losers


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