PHONE NUMBER: 5852003758

(585) 200-3758 is a landline number operated by OMNIPOINT COMMUNICATIONS located near Rochester, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 798 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

have to call a federal agent back. third time they have called. jail next

they have called me 7 days straight. they identify themselves as federal officers, federal IRS agents, said I would be arrested for 5 warrants, two sheriffs are about to arrest me (30 year police officer and retired do to cancer and I know both sheriffs in my area} said he was agent Mark and some vague reference about terror. Why are they allowed to do this? Why are phone companies not taking a pro-active response to this criminal activity? I believe a person posing as a federal law enforcement officer is a felony. Are the phone companies really that concerned for profits over criminal activity. I called the phone company and all they did was offer me ways to block number which did not work.

Two calls received at my house, 2nd stating I would be arrested by the local sheriffs for 5 criminal offenses if I did not call back within a couple hours, as it was going to court in "two hours." Also wished me luck if I chose not to call back.

Got about 5 calls with same message as MMJ's (june 28th). Wished me good luck if I chose not to call back, because I'd be arrested on 5 criminal charges!

received 2 calls, 2nd stating I would be arrested by the local sheriff for 5 criminal offences if I did not call back within a couple hours. wished me luck if I chose not to call back.

The voice left me 2 voice messages. Both stated that I needed to call the number back and speak to a federal agent to resolve the issue. In the second message the voice wished me good luck if I did not respond to the call.

Got a call that they are from IRS and if I don't give them a call I will be charge for ignoring the call.


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