PHONE NUMBER: 5092334153

(509) 233-4153 is a landline number operated by QWEST CORPORATION located near Spokane, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,042 searches and 10 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (5 times), scam (3 times), fraud (1 time), bank (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Was told by an Indian male that Mitch McConnell will be assassinated.

IRS fraud - went along until they told me to go to my bank, withdraw funds, all the while they would be on the phone with me and after I had $$ would get further instructions. At that point informed them I was at th YU. S. Attorney's Offce and had recoInternal Revenbuded the call with two witnesses. Threatening them is useless, have your telephone carrier block calls from that area code.

They called me saying they were the IRS and then the man asked me if I have a boyfriend so I told him my boyfriend works for the Los Angeles police department and the man quickly hung up. Idiots

A Indian accented woman asked me if I agreed with the shootings in Orlando, as there is no place in our world for Gay people, and another slaughtered is being planned for the 4th of July in Washington DC.

Someone claims to be with IRS wants to sue me

keep getting hone calls up to 5 times a day from this number something needs to happen to stop these scams from happening.

Have received calls from this number every 30 minutes or so starting at 6 A.M. my time. I tried calling back to tell them to stop calling but the English of the person answering was incomprehensible.

Caller claims to be from IRS. When I called them out on the scam they keep hanging up when i call back

Got a call from Mr. Martin, IRS investigator, (ya right!). Told him he had reached NORAD and we had locked in on his location. Expect a drone strike any second. He told me to go F... my mother. Haha!!!

IRS scammers as 206-494-0741 and 509-233-4087. Call them and answer with "****s hot-dogs if you love hot-dogs you'll love ****s"


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