PHONE NUMBER: 5092334137

(509) 233-4137 is a landline number operated by QWEST CORPORATION located near Spokane, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,076 searches and 14 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (7 times), spam (5 times), scam (2 times), internal revenue service (1 time), automated message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

They called saying the IRS was filing a lawsuit against me.


Spammers. Just used different GV numbers to call them back and kept messing with them with fake names. Would be a good entertainment for office hours.

Spam Left message IRS has a lawsuit against me and to call number immediately. Caller ID reads Unassigned.

Left voice message saying I needed to call this number back as soon as possible regarding my case.

I'm receiving several calls from this number stating that they're the IRS and filing a lawsuit. In fact the IRS never ask for personal information through the phone. Bunch of scams!

Spam. if you want to turn the tables ask them for a business address, identification number, first and last name etc. or if you see the number on caller I D answer the phone stating Internal Revenue Service.

Similar experience. Automated message left on my cell phone (a number the IRS doesn't have), called back and had a similarly foreign-accented person say they were with the IRS, but then the call dropped.

Called stating IRS filing lawsuit against us!! It was left on my answering machine.

I was told that I was audit for the years 2009-2014 I told them I wasn't working during those years and he said they have issued a. Warrant out for my arrest and hung up.

I too was called saying I was being sued by irs and to call immediatly. I called 3 times. They answered and wanted personal info which I did not give them. I called a second time and someone picked up but said nothing, the third time I called the phone just rang. I reports this to my phone co and also emailed to the IRS.

Spam call

Called requesting a call back, stating the IRS wanted to sue me.

SPAM Left msg to call them back about case #


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