PHONE NUMBER: 4804013842

(480) 401-3842 is a landline number operated by MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC located near Mesa, Arizona.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Neutral.

There have been 3,992 searches and 19 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: spam (1 time), nuisance (1 time), scam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

They called and I did request information to attend ASU online.

ASU online - though I fail to understand why they don't just send info regarding course options and let us contact them. Called with spammer frequency, often not replying when phone was answered. Not very professional.

ASU and it needs to stop. It is excessive. The interest form. Online asks for email as well. They choose instead to phone bomb. To aggressive makes ASU stink.

Got a call from 480-401-3842. The caller left no message...

I'm enrolled in ASU and they haven't caught on that I'm already a student with them. I suggest answering and letting the person on the other end that you are either interested or not interested. They are just fulfilling their job requirements, even if it may be a nuisance.

ASU online. No answer when i say hello. Annoying, but i did request some info.

Called 2-5 times a day for a few months, never left a message. I finally called back and it was about my interest in ASU. It's a program I have looked into but I do not remember requesting information from them specifically. I could have, but not 10% sure. The lady on the phone was very nice and helpful and apologized for the excessive calls. Those call alone are enough to turn me off from enrolling there.

Been calling me once every day for almost a month. I never answer and they never leave a voicemail. Past week it has escalated to twice every day. I did request info about ASU online courses so that makes sense with the other comments but this is beyond ridiculous!

It's Asu and I know it is, but every time I answer it, know one replys when I say "Hello"

It's ASU online admissions reps.

Arizona State University On Line information department...I called from my work phone and they said that my daughter (who is getting the calls) must have requested some information about the University and they were trying to call her back.

Arizona State University Information department

Unsure getting calls daily answer and the line Is blank

They call about 2 times a day, no voicemail. Very annoying.

Calls 3 to 5 times a day- getting VERY old!!!

This number calls me every single day at different times. I've picked up a couple times, but there's nothing on the other line.

They don't leave voicemail has called 3 times the past 3 days.

Answered but no one on the other side. Not sure??

Leaves blank voicemails. Calls everyday. Guessing scam.


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