PHONE NUMBER: 4696060684

(469) 606-0684 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF TEXAS located near Dallas, Texas.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,229 searches and 19 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (5 times), insurance (4 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

6 calls today all within 3 hours this is getting stupid some Indian sounding guy wanting to sale me insurance from geico if never had this type of insurance and yet he said that they want me back he knew my name but not my card make or model

He had a middle eastern accent. He said he had an insurance quote for my car (he knew year and model). I said no thanks, I have insurance that I'm happy with. He said he would call back with a better quote. I told him I'm not interested but he kept talking. They call several times a week.

Male middle eastern accent.

This person wanted and knew way to much info! DO NOT answer!!

Says he's with geico they want me back and will give me an even lower rate glad I looked this up everyone's scamming now days

7 calls in 2 days. I don't respond to any numbers I do not recognize, so I haven't any idea who it is or what they want, and they never leave a message so I just put them on ignore.

Some fool from India, asking about my car trying to get info. I said no thank you and they keep calling. Now there calling and hanging up.

Male idiot

insurance company scammer

8 called today 5 yesterday

Who called ?

A lady looking for my brother... Indicating he did not check in yet.

5 calls so far today. Display on cell says it's coming from Plano, TX.

Called and asked for my sister in law. When informed they had the wrong number they demanded to know my personal info. SCAM!!!!!

Been receiving one call a day from this number since Tuesday, leaves no message. Try calling it back from my work number and it's a fast busy signal

Josh Harper from India called from this number for the second time today. So scamalicious it should be illegal. Oh wait it is.

469-606-0684 called claiming to be from State Farm and trying to get personal info. After I stated the info is wrong and I was going to call my agent, the caller hung up. State Farm does not call the customer from a service center, It would be from the agents office and most customers know their agent.

Four calls today (I did not pick up) but they did not leave any message. I block the number with my cell phone blocker.

I keep receiving calls from this phone number. They claim that he represents my insurance company and want to verify my vehicles and some basic personal information about myself. They tell me that I'm getting a 35% decrease in my insurance premium. It's a scam


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