PHONE NUMBER: 4693170741

(469) 317-0741 is a landline number operated by TIME WARNER CBLE INFO SVC (TX) DBA TIME WARNER CBL located near Dallas, Texas.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,424 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

My husband revived a call from 4693170741 telling him that they had important documents to send me and I was being sued!! For the life of me I couldn't figure it out. Now I know.

My mother received a call marked "Unknown" and asked for me by name. I was at my mother's so she gave me the phone. A woman, with an Indian accent, stating her name as Amy Allen, stated that there was a sealed packet of legal documents to be served. I needed to call 1-855-809-1955 and give a case # to discuss the contents of the packet. Stated she was calling from Civil Procedures Division. Another SCAM caller - - hiding originating incoming number. An attempt to obtain info!

Called and said they were the Civil Procedures Division ((469) 317-0741) and that they had papers to serve my husband tomorrow. Name of the person was Joyce Bennett. They said they were giving us a courtesy call on behalf of Bailey and Associates. Gave me a phone number to call and a case number. I called and before giving any information, I asked for where they were located and the names of the attorneys that worked in their office. Was told they would not give me the attorney's names unless I had a case number.....then they hung up on me. Tried to report to the Dallas Sheriff's department who told me they have been dealing with this for at least three years! SCAM SCAM SCAM!!!

Got a call from them today saying I needed to call them for Legal documents. I asked what kind of legal documents? She said she couldnt give me that information. I told her they were fraud.She then stated, " It's not fraud and our calls are being recorded". I told her so was mine and she will be reported to the police. She then interrupted me and said, "I don't wanna hear it" multiple times before haning up on me. This is a total scam I have no legal issues.

They Called my# asking for my wife, about legal documents. I Asked why are you calling me, the women stated I was the contact# on file. I then asked, "What company are you calling from?" She hung up on me.

Same story as first

I just got a call from Number 469-317-0741 and the lady said I needed to call for some legal documents that needed to be served to me and to please call back with this case number and phone number she gave me to call was 1-855-809-1955. I said what is the name of the company trying to serve me and for what, she said that she didn't know they would be able to tell me when I call back the other number. Yeah I'm not stupid, I will not be calling anyone back, and I added them to the Block Number List on my Phone. Caller: Civil Procedure Division

I just got the same call I told them we can go to court.

Called and asked for a person close to my name.. x4 in 3 days

Asked for me by my maiden name I haven't gone by in a decade. Said they had legal documents for said name. Process servers don't call you, they find you in person. I have no legal troubles, nothing in collections, etc. Scam!

not home they left no message

Calling daily,they never leave a message.


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