PHONE NUMBER: 4582028961

(458) 202-8961 is a landline number operated by ONVOY located near Eugene, Oregon.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,584 searches and 13 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (2 times), scam (1 time), one ring (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

They had left a voicemail about "charges" but the whole message wasn't there, so I called them. Claimed to be IRS and sounded like Telemarketers - a bunch of people on the phone - in the background. The woman had a very heavy accent and I told her I couldn't understand what she was saying, and then I told her I thought it was a scam a fake IRS call. I looked the phone number up and that was exactly what it was. The missing part of the message was that they were threatening me to bring charges against me to the local police. Then I would have known it was a scam!

They called me saying they were they IRS. That there was a discrepancy with my 2012 tax filings. I needed to pay $4000 to keep a arrest warrant from being issued. I asked for more information so that I may call my accountant and was told they could not give it to me, mail it to me or email it. They could also not talk to my accountant or lawyer.

They call about 2 times per week and leave a 30 sec voicemail that is nothing but the background noise of a call center.

Called twice in an hour. I pick up within the first 2 rings but disconnects before saying anything.


another harassing marketer

They keep on calling. Phone rings only momentarily and they never leave any message. Trick to make us call.

(458) 202-8961

It Says Bend O on caller ID. I answer and there is silence, I can see time ticking away on the phone screen so I know they are on the line. I'm not going to answer any more

They continue to call and call no message or anything. If they keep this up they will have problems

they never leave a message. usually 2 or 3 seconds on my answering machine. I also noticed they had called 32 times. and there's 3 or so other #'s doing the same thing. does anyone ever buy from phone callers?

I have been receiving calls from this number for the past 3 to 4 weeks.I received 30 calls today from this number. I don't answer. I am so thankful for caller ID as I screen and don't answer. I don't know who this is and it is getting on my nerves.

Ive been getting calls from that number for the past month it seems. I've answered once to see who it was, as I get stray calls all the time looking for someone. Maybe 5 seconds in to the call, the hung up


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