PHONE NUMBER: 4378860594

(437) 886-0594 is a landline number operated by Fibernetics Corporation located near Toronto, Canada.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,190 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), CRA (3 times), automated message (1 time), IRS (1 time), canada revenue agency (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

NOT A LEGIT CALL! I received a cut-off automated message from this number that said started with something along the lines of "--requiring your immediate attention. Please phone us back at 844-551-0594 as soon as you are able." I called back from a non-registered land line. After about eight rings, a gentleman picked up and said, "Criminal Investigative Unit of the IRS." He sounded like he was millions of miles away. I asked him to repeat what he said, to which he responded, "This is the Criminal Investigative Unit of the IRS." I said, "Well, I received a call from this number and the message that was left sounded inauthentic. I do not believe that you are who you claim to be." He said, "That is fine, Ma'am, you can disconnect this call and eliminate it from your records." RIGHT.

This jerk left a message on my 80 year old mother's machine today! Good thing she wasn't at home and my son and sister received the message. If you read this Jason Miller or whoever you are...BUSTED! We have reported it to police and media. You wont be getting a penny, oops they're not in circulation anymore, from our mother!

Jason Miller, claiming that he is an officer from CRA and left a threat to either have us or our lawyer call him back promptly, otherwise, he wishes us good luck!


437-886-0594 CRA Jason Miller Scammmerrr like e need this negativity

"Canada Revenue Agency" scam from semi-intelligible person claiming to be "Officer Jason Miller".

These losers should learn to speak english. It's the old CRA scam again !


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