PHONE NUMBER: 4256540125

(425) 654-0125 is a landline number operated by LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS located near Bellevue, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,214 searches and 5 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times), IRS (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Same thing as other caller. Robot voice left message. Warns about local police taking us into custody due to four allegations against our name. Do not respond. Delete and go on with your life :)

THIS IS A SCAM NUMBER. I am a CPA and a Tax Partner with the 5th largest CPA firm in US. I just received this call and led the caller "Dominick Moss" on for a bit and call ended when I kept asking him question. When I told him he was a crook, he said he had been doing this for 7 years and never been arrested. I asked for his address and I would have IRS Enforcement Division and Police over within the hour. I then hung up. Please do not

Received this call as well...obviously a scam.

This man has a strong accent asking if we have a lawyer representing us as he's about to have a allegation again me. He sent out letter about this back in Nov 2015 and this is the last stage. I asked for the proof that the letter was sent out to us. He told me this is confident information and did not provide. He was able to know your name and address but don't be fool to this trap. I told him he is a fake and if he needs anything send me the mail.

Robot voice leaving a message. No identified agency. Warns about being taken into custody due to 4 serious allegations against my name. This is a scam. Take care guys.


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