PHONE NUMBER: 4123077819

(412) 307-7819 is a landline number operated by CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS located near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,933 searches and 14 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: bank (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!


calls several times a day. no one on the line. called back also no one on the line.

Tried to get me to give bank info and buy a warranty. Would not let me call them back would not give me any information would not give me a website wanted my VI and number for my vehicle was unable to verify anything did not want me to hang up before getting vehicle information and account information. These idiots sound real real legit but clearly they are not do not give them any information unless they give you their information and you can verify it through the BBB

Answer no one speaks then just hangs up. Cannot call the number back & get any answer or information either.

Same. Multiple calls, no messages.


man keeps asking for my social security number.

Keeps calling my mother once an hour from 9am to 10pm. Something needs to be done about them.

Keeps calling. No message left. I haven't answered. Tried calling back but the call could not be completed. Whoever it is calls about every hour from 9am to 10pm and never leaves a message.

Calls me from 9am even well after 10 at night. This is harassing and they are pain in the ass!! I'm glad to see that they think this is amusing.

No one spoke.And when I called them back finally after so many rings. They answered the phone but did not speak. Listing shows Steiner Ave Avalon Po A

Called me 17 times

They keep calling me. No one is there when I answer. I blocked it and now they keep leaving voice mails about 3 times a day every day for about 2 weeks now.

Choice One Communications (found by reverse number lookup). Landline based in Pittsburgh, PA. Calls (3x so far today), no one is there when I answer - but my voice is echoed back when I speak. I hung up and blocked the number from my phone.


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