PHONE NUMBER: 3607633236

(360) 763-3236 is a landline number operated by T-MOBILE USA located near Vancouver, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,829 searches and 14 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (3 times), walmart (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

An Indian lady called me saying that I won $7.000 for being correct with my taxes and bills and I don't even pay bills lol. She gave me a number to call 979-318-4846 and a verification code

Caller told me that I won a $7000 grant from the government. He gave me a code and a phone number to call right away. I told him to call his mother and grandmother his father, daughter and son and give them the grant and I laugh at him and hung up.

received the same call, gave me a number and a confirmation ID # and said I need to call the said number right away... but I googled and just like my suspicion, it's a scam...and yes, it's an indian guy who can't speak straight english... please be careful people, there's a lot of them...

Same . . .I consider dangerous because my information was obviously mined. . .who knows what they do once we individually respond. . .shadow people are usually dangerous to assets and people.

$7K grant from governent. Know my name and address in detail. Gave me an ID number told to call 979-318-4846. Then told to Go to walmart or money gram immediately For me to Call them back when im at walmart for futher instructions. 2nd caller gave name of Robert Jackson.

Indian man called, could hardly English, said the government was giving me a grant of $7,000.00 and provided me with a code and this phone number. Hung up and laughed!

Indian woman claiming I won 7,000 and to go to Walgreen, money gram or CVs to make a security deposit of $250 to avoid taxes and fees. Sounded to good to be true. Of courses I didn't go forward with it. #Scam

indian guy claiming government is giving away money, looked up usa today news report that talks about these scams. so that confirmed my suspicions. "washington is not calling!"

I got the same thing, I just want to add that they knew my zip code. To me its too good to be true.

I answered and an Indian lady with a very bad connection said that the American Government selected my name and number randomly to receive a $10,000 grant. When I told her to put me on the do not call list she repeated the whole grant thing and then said her agent number is 1017.

I got a call on (360) 763-3236 and they were telling me that I was selected of obtaining $7,000 some type of grant and that i should call (979) 318- 4846 to report my confirmation ID # and that I would soon obtain my money in which it all sounded fishy. I called the second # and i was attended but as soon as I gave my confirmation code, They hung up.

They called me 3 times today. On the 3rd call, I attempted to talk, but could not understand the speaker due to a really, really poor connection and due to his problems with speaking English.

They called another number I use to have and told me that I was selected to receive $7000 grant money and gave me a google id # ER1002 and told me to call this number to get my money He told me if I called and don't get a answer to call back and no one is anawering at this number 979 218 4846

Called several times even when I answer nothing at all just a hang up.


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