PHONE NUMBER: 3602080862

(360) 208-0862 is a landline number operated by UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORP. - WASHINGTON located near Vancouver, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,101 searches and 14 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (11 times), scam (6 times), debt (2 times), internal revenue service (1 time), recorded message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Claims to be IRS but it's a SCAM!

called and electronic voice said they are the IRS and there is a lawsuit against me. They probably requested a Washington Phone number (area code) when they got the phone number and are too stupid they have a Washington State area code and not a Washington DC area code... LOL

Threatening call stating the IRS has filed a law suit against us.

Fake IRS Robo call...

Caller said they were from the IRS.

Female robot caller said IRS was issuing warrants for my arrest

Same as everyone else's!! IRS. They've called twice today. Robot call. Left messages. Will NOT be returning their call. Will be reporting it! I saved both voicemails.


Robo call stating "You have been names in a lawsuit from Internal Revenue ServiceS" - Note the "S" on the end of the title Sneaky shifty crap. This is NOT the IRS, they would contact you via registered mail. This reeks of scam. Do NOT call them back.

Recorded message claiming to be IRS filing a lawsuit against us. SCAM. Reported to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

I received a call from this number too about a lawsuit. SCAM! SCAM! SCAM!

Call recorded on my answering machine about a law suit. Notifications about law suits are sent out by certified mail not by phone. Obviously a scam. I am filing a complaint with the FCC

Call says it is IRS about debt

Call says it is last notice from IRS about a debt.


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