PHONE NUMBER: 3473941656

(347) 394-1656 is a landline number operated by PAETEC COMMUNICATIONS located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,847 searches and 20 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (14 times), scam (2 times), microsoft (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

claim to be from IRS

Same as the others. Robotic call claiming lawsuit is coming. Total BS and not as convincing as previous ones. As the security officer at my company says, "IRS doesn't phone you, they send a registered letter."

Robo call scam. See if you can block the number. Report it.

Called twice said they are the IRS but couldn't tell me who I was and then got really nasty and ignorant when I laughed and told them sorry IRS don't call you and they certainly don't swear at you !!!

Yeah they called me twice already today saying that they are the IRS.... Cant tell me who I am when I ask them though... SCAM!

Left a voicemail that could barely be made out about "IRS filing a lawsuit against you". Vague, General, and I'm not going to return the call.

Irs filling lawsuit against me. Called twice today. Twice yesterday saying there was a claim I needed to call about

Said IRS, then asked who they were speaking to and hung up. Should this be reported to police?

Same as others. IRS lawsuit, final notice. Call 347-394-1656 to clear up. Etc.

Same as below comments. IRS stating they are filing a lawsuit against me. I have received the same phone call from this number 3 times within the past 2 days.

Robotic voice saying "This is your final notice: the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you" after leaving me two messages yesterday asking me to call back regarding a claim.

Robo call, About being sued from the "IRS". I think its my 2nd in 3 weeks.

left me a message saying i needed to call the IRS back because they were going to proceed with a lawsuit if they didn't hear back. Sounded like a boiler room. I asked whom I was speaking with and they responded, WHO AM I SPEAKING WITH. I said this does not sound like the IRS and they hung up.

Recording said it was my final notice and that the IRS was going to file lawsuit...have received the same call many time over the past few months from this number and other numbers...

Recording said it was my final notice and I was going to be sued by the IRS for owing money. I hung up.

Robotic voice recording claiming that IRS is filing a lawsuit against you and this is your final warning!! LOL

"This is your final notice: the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you." -Microsoft Mary

These losers called pretending to be the IRS

Claimed to be irs

claimed to be from IRS


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