PHONE NUMBER: 3473900851

(347) 390-0851 is a landline number operated by PAETEC COMMUNICATIONS located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 961 searches and 11 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), IRS (5 times), robocall (1 time), bank (1 time), internet (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

PLEASE BE WARE: I asked them who they called they said what's your name. I gave them a fake one and they said I had an arrest warrent from the IRS. I said that's wierd my family works for the IRS and they ended the call quick. Hope this helps any one before they become a victim.

SCAM - I pressured him and he hung up - i have blocked this number with about 20 others all same message

I picked up it was a robo with a heavy accent saying please call me back im an officer this is your case regarding your address

This number called me. I did not answer. Male with heavy accent left a message asking me to call back...said it was very important that they talk to me today. I suspected it to be a robo/scam caller and didn't answer. Not calling them back either.

Called me with IRS scam and threatened with federal arrest. Has been consistently calling for months.

Somebody called that there is an arrest warrent, FBI list and exit control list. They asked to call back. I never called back and rather searched the number online. I came here

Robocall, recording impersonated IRS officer and threatened with arrest.

same thing - I just got a call from an Indian-accent recorder. didn't know any of my info

IRS scammers. They tricked a friend's son to pay them $5,000 so they wouldn't arrest him out of class. They weren't done. Sensing a bigger payday, they persuaded the son to call his dad down to the bank and make another payment to clear his account. My friend brought a police officer and the scam stopped. Since they use internet phone calls it's to much work for local cops to trace. IRS DOES NOT MAKE PHONE CALLS for initial contact. Period

Man with Indian-accent knew my first and last name. Same usual script involving IRS and money owed. SCAM.

Has called me from 2 different numbers same guy statimg a federal case pending, that's all the info left on the voicemail. No name, no case number and no name of the agency, total scam


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