PHONE NUMBER: 3473778965

(347) 377-8965 is a landline number operated by XO NEW YORK located near New York, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 585 searches and 6 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (6 times), IRS (4 times), apple (1 time), gift card (1 time), internal revenue service (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I was a victims of this and they said that officers are coming to pick me up at my work place and they verified my work adress. They held me hostage on my phone for 5 hours, telling me that if I at anytime hang up the phone, take another call, mute or text there will be officers coming to arrest me. I lost 3500 dollars to this scam. This happend to me 2 days ago. They ask you to go to various Duane Reade and cvs stores getting gift cards for 500 dollars on each till you pay what you owe IRS. They even clone the 911 number calling your phone pretending to have an officer telling you that they are on their way coming to arrest you. Please don't be a victim of this. I wish I knew better. But I don't want this to happen to anyone else. It wasn't until I got to the grand central Apple Store that I found out that I was scammed.

Called few times (Anna Jones, indian accent) pretending to be an IRS officer from the Investigation Department, said they have an arrest order on my name and urged to call at the number 347-377-8965. Block this number right away!! Scammers! 347-377-8965 belongs to Jonathan Dubuque 1803 riverside dr. apt 3e - NY - NY

I received a message from Anna Jones/ or Johns :) Pretending to be a n IRS officer from Investigation Department, said there is an arrest order on my name, urging to call the number 347-377-8965. They called on my cell and home phones :) Definitely scammers!!!!!

Fear-mongering scammer.

SCAM ... I received a phone call today from this number and the person on the other end claimed to be Officer Robert Galvin from the Investigating Department of the Internal Revenue Service, the IRS. He also claimed that there was a warrant for my arrest and my physical address was under investigation. As far as I know, the IRS does not issue arrest warrants!!



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