PHONE NUMBER: 3237293103

(323) 729-3103 is a landline number operated by PACIFIC BELL located near Los Angeles, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 826 searches and 13 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (9 times), scam (4 times), automated message (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Its a big scam they are not the irs do not give them any of your personal information. They will tell you that you have been audited and owe thousands of dollars dont fall for the trick. They will tell you a cop will come to your house in the next 45 mins to scare you dont fall for it please. If the irs does audit you you eill be notifed by mail and it will be their 1800 for a contact number

Got the call today and it went to voice mail. My phone translates so I can read it. I had to laugh. I do know there are some that get scarred and fall for this. Please do your research before acting.

Got a call at 9:45 pm, Lawsuit with IRS, Officer Nikki Johnson. Scammer!!!!

I let call go to voicemail. Message stated that it was IRS and that I needed to return call or face legal action. Pure SCAM

calls my phone at least 3 times a day. leaves voice message. to call officer nikki johnson from irs immediately or actions will be taken against me. you can tell its a robot on the other end. don't disregard. good bye and take care !

I received a received a call today from Nikki Johnson saying she was from IRS and it was extremely important to not disregard her message. I let the call go to voicemail since I don't usually answer calls from numbers I don't recognize. She said I should return her call asap before they take action. The call showed from LA, CA

Called and said I would go to jail if I don't go to CVS and give them money or some [***]. Told me to not hang up until the transaction is over.

We got Jackie also, she was kind enough to tell us to "take care" when she signed off. How nice of the IRS to care. SCAM!!!!

automated message stating it was from the irs and I needed to contact them immediately before they take further action.

I got a call from office Jackie I believe saying it was the irs and I need to contact them immediately before they take further action

same thing. blocked it

My husband just got this exact same message from the same number.

just got a message from "officer johnson" claiming to be from IRS and said i must call them back before they take action.


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