PHONE NUMBER: 3232364636

(323) 236-4636 is a landline number operated by NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS located near Los Angeles, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 946 searches and 2 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (2 times), bank (1 time), apple (1 time), internal revenue service (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

once I told them that I wanted to 'resolve' this issue, I was asked how did I want to do that? I asked them back, what's better for you? I was told to keep the phone on and go to the bank and call them when I was there. Okaaaaay. So I hung up and called back 20 minutes later and said I was at the bank. They said keep the phone on and go in and take out the cash that I owed the IRS, $5790. I told them I was confused and had already done that. I had the cash already and was still at the bank. Now what? They wanted me to go to Target or Apple and buy some sort of card. I couldn't understand what kind. So, again, I waited 20 minutes and called them back saying I had the cards. They asked me how many. I said a lot and they hung up. I'm supposing that if I had actually gotten the cards, they would then be asking for the numbers and somehow access them online to drain them. I don't know. It's been fun and I'm not done with them yet.

323 236 4636 This is the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service. We are filing a lawsuit against you. I immediately became suspicious. I called and a female answered speaking very little english. Taank yuu fo call IRS. What the F***is your employee Id number? 246877? And. Your damn name? Stephanie Watson. Clear as hell with no hesitation. Seriously. She was like. Hello hello. I said nothing. She hung up. I called back shortly. Here's the thing. Hello, Taank yuu fo call IRS....... Accent back! I responded. Hello. Cann I have yuu name ehplease. taank yuu. Let me tell you something. Ohkay go head ehplease taank yuu. I would like to be added to your DO NOT CALL LIST. I know this is not the IRS. AGAIN....Here is the thing... Ma'am we apologize for calling and I will be sure to add you to the DNC list. English was better than mine. I was like..... Wait! Her response. Uh huh. I asked. How the hell did you just change your voice like that. She hung up. People please be careful.


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