PHONE NUMBER: 3175590071

(317) 559-0071 is a landline number operated by PEERLESS NETWORK OF INDIANA located near Indianapolis city (balance), Indiana.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,257 searches and 13 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (7 times), spam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Broken voicemail. Hard to make out what he was saying. I heard "out of state money transfer" and "criminal offense". Called back and the number is no good. SCAM


They called me a few times and finally I blocked the number. Hopefully people won't fall for this scam!

317-559-0071 Same as all other msgs left here. Never called me by my name and voice mail was broken up and hard to understand, bad English- dumb scammers

If this guy's real name is Nathan I am the President. F off scammers

No name, broken english, dont have your name, claims a lawsuit, scam for sure

Received a call from the number and called back. Without asking me to identify myself and without referring to me by name or another identification threatened me with a case against me filed by US treasury. I asked for their name and ID and was given a name of a company Mark Richards, the called ID was 170289. Address 1500 Pennsylvania Ave in DC. When I asked who are they looking to find and speak to when calling my number, he told me Debora Davis. (which is not me) TOTAL SCAM!!!

THIS F'ING DOT HEAD HAS CALLED ME FROM SEVERAL DIFFERENT #;s....last one came up as washington you can not tell it is the same DOT HEAD voice speaking broken English?????? LOL

Us treasury

Someone claiming to be with the US treasury. Same as what is reported with the reports above. Voice mail is virtually inaudible and definitely speaks broken English. After returning the call they asked me for my phone number pretending to look up which department had contact me.

Someone claiming to be with the US treasury. Same as what is reported with the reports above. Voice mail is virtually inaudible and definitely speaks broken English.

Same. Someone is just looking to scam senior citizens out of their SS#

Unknown caller ID. Claimed I would need to appear before a judge or grand jury regarding something to do with the U.S. Treasury. They never addressed me by name in the voicemail. The name they left was hard to understand.


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