PHONE NUMBER: 3152756533

(315) 275-6533 is a landline number operated by MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC. - NY located near Syracuse, New York.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 773 searches and 7 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Called multiple times without leaving any voicemail. This is my personal and business phone, so this is quite frustrating. I am going to block the number. Thanks to all who made reports. I am sorry this is happening to you too, however knowledge is power!!!

I have had several calls from this number but did not answer because I was at work when they called. Got a call this afternoon after I got home and picked up the call. A man with an accent had my name and told me he was from the US Government. I told him not to ever call me again and asked if he understood that I was not interested in anything he had to say and I hung up.

The lady who called kept asking for me by name, the only reason I answered is because I am looking for a job. When I asked what company she was calling from. She told some company name that I couldn't understand. When I asked her to explain why she was calling, (during this whole conversation not confirming my identity) she told me to go to h*ll and hung up. I called the number back and it's not in service. Scammer.

Claimed they were the U.S. Government and that I had qualified for a grant. When I asked who I was speaking with they hung up.

Called me multiple times in a row, when I call back to see what or who it was. It said the number was not in service.

Similar to a number that called at the same time yesterday. I screen my calls, so did not pick up. No message was left either day.

Same person who called me earlier on a different number and when asked to stop calling laughed and said no he couldn't do that.


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