PHONE NUMBER: 2163038888

(216) 303-8888 is a landline number operated by CENTURYLINK COMMUNICATIONS LLC located near Cleveland, Ohio.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,810 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), fraud (1 time), SSN (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I have received calls and lengthy voicemails from this number saying that I knowing defrauded a financial institution and my lack of response means that they will take further action. I figured it's a scam and have not called back, I will be contacting the police.

Have been harassing both me and the previous owner of my cell phone number, indicating they are from an arbitration department of PRG. Have no idea who or what they want and I suspected it may be connected to recent Identity theft issue I have been having. If you actually get to speak with this person, you may want to remind them it is illegal in the state of Ohio for collections, etc. to leave threatening messages on your voicemail.

called 3 times in 2 minutes. They kept putting on hold. Never said who they where.

well this number call tell me that they need to call me about somthine hearing i dont

Called several times. asking for someone else.

State a complaint was filed against my SSN and they will release info to my employer. Scam


Scam and harassing.

216-303-8888- Stating that I am suspected of participating in illegal activities and that I will be arrested. I need to call them back. This is a total SCAM!!!!


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