PHONE NUMBER: 2134083289

(213) 408-3289 is a landline number operated by XO CALIFORNIA located near Los Angeles, California.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 3,729 searches and 16 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (4 times), fraud (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

this is the first number that comes up when I search call frontier airlines and it clearly sends you somewhere else where they just hang up on you. I tried it twice within 2 minutes and different agent, same thing. This is shady!

‭+213 7 78049937‬

Thanks to this site I’ve realised this number is a scam

SCAM. Says social benefits will be permanently disabled.

Called my phone at 11:42am on 1/19/18, I didn't answer it 'cause I didn't recognize the number. Caller left no message. Figure it's a phishing/scam type call.

Didn't answer. Checked Google. Found this page. Got my answer. Ty 😊

Woke me up! Didn't answer. Checked voice mail and heard warrbled music in background.

No message left so, as usual, I've blocked this number.

This number has been calling almost every day . They never leave a message and their caller identification is unavailable . I am reporting them to the FCC no call registry and suggest everyone else gets a call from these people does that also . If the FCC gets enough complaints they might just do something

This number has been calling almost every day . They never leave a message and their caller identification is unavailable . I am reporting them to the FCC no call registry and suggest everyone else gets a call from these people does that also . If the FCC gets enough complaints they might just do something

Hiya blocked and ID'd them as scam or fraud

Someone claimed to be from South Florida Promotions to fool you to buy some Bahama's Cruises and stays in the island, etc. Obviously not true or legit, doesn't know anything other than the read along script.

Caller left no message

This was robo call from pain clinic.

No msg left



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