PHONE NUMBER: 2102490540

(210) 249-0540 is a landline number operated by TIME WARNER TELECOM - TX located near San Antonio, Texas.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 845 searches and 13 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (2 times), robocall (1 time), fraud (1 time), spam (1 time), IRS (1 time), internet (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Scam started in 2008 Never follow their instructions Latest people reported the number as that of "Could not understand him, Peter / Rick" Around 37% of people reported it as "Scammer" Back at it in 2016....Russian hackers!! Rigging elections!!

They hang up when I answer. I called back and someone with an Indian accent answered said it was a Pharmacy, They call me ALL the time.

robocall - same as everyone else is reporting

Received a call from this line.I'm not taking it too seriously Scammers and fraud suck.

Clearly a spam call or a way to steal your information.

The Indian guy on the phone told me I was being sued by the IRS.

We are a business and they never say anything

I am recieving calls from an inlnown number that is harassing me.

Just had another call from this number on my UK registered mobile phone. I've had several calls from it over the past week but I always ignore because I don't know anyone in the USA. No answerphone messages left, no texts, nothing. Tried to report it to EE & get it blocked but they are useless & don't care.

They called me, I didn't answer & I don't know the number !! Checked it here & reported it!

Just had a call from this number, I'm in Telford, UK. Dont know who it is

Received four calls from this number. I did not answer, no voicemail left by caller

2102490540 (NOVATEL) - called and didn't leave a message; it's likely an annoying telemarketer based on other comments on the internet about that number.


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