PHONE NUMBER: 2088775852

(208) 877-5852 is a landline number operated by FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS NORTHWEST located near Boise City, Idaho.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Harassing.

There have been 864 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: recorded message (2 times), spam (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Received a recorded message: Ignoring this will be an intentional 2nd attempt to avoid initial appearance before magistrate judge or grand jury for federal/criminal offense. This is the final attempt to reach you to resolve this issue immediately. To speak to a federal agent department call back number is 208-877-5852. I repeat 208-877-5852. - Caller ID identified the location of the phone number from DEARY, ID

Same as all of the above

I got the same as the above, robot call claiming to be from the US treasury. Called it back from a different number, and a male answered, sound like he could be from/in india. I asked who he was and what he was doing, and he hung up on me.

Same as above--but I talked with them--gave me a name and badge number and then wanted me to verify personal info so we could continue to discuss--if not then would send local police to my house. I told him to bring it on!!!!

Same as above, saying it was the treasury dept and that they are going to send someone by my house. They also said that this is the second time that they have spoke to me, and i more or less are ignoring them.

Same as previous message. How do we get them to stop? 208-877-5852

Robot caller saying that the treasury was looking for me. Spam.


Caller ID indicated Deary, ID. Phone message indicated the call was from the US Treasury. Recorded message from caller stated ignoring message would be considered an intentional attempt to avoid an initial appearance before a magistrate judge or grand jury for a federal criminal offense. This is the final attempt to reach you. To resolve this and speak to a federal agent call 208-877-5852


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