PHONE NUMBER: 2065552323

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,288 searches and 5 comments identifying with this number. On this page: 4 Users marked it as Harassing, and 1 User marked it as Dangerous

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (1 time), credit card (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

12 calls from this number in the past 5 days. Very heavy Indian accent, I've requested many times for them not to call me. I had to block the phone number.

Somone with a very thick accent, offering me a scholarship of some sort. Called me again a day later. Didnt answer, and no message was left.

Some Indian guy from Washington that claimed to be from the United States Federal Department and that I was eligible for a free scholarship. I asked them if I needed my personal information and they said no. All they asked was what major I'm studying and if I had a high school diploma. I declined the offer and before I could tell them to delete my information, they hung up. DO NOT GIVE OUT ANY FAFSA OR CREDIT CARD INFO!! THEYRE CLEARLY SCAMMERS!

Called twice within a few hours. Didn't answer either time. No message left.

This number calls at all hours of day and night, usually hangs up when I answer. When someone finally responded, they said in a very heavy accent that they were calling from United States Federal department to give me free money that I would never have to pay back! When I commented, but you're not in the United States, he hung up!


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