PHONE NUMBER: 2065385489

(206) 538-5489 is a landline number operated by MCLEODUSA TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES located near Seattle, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,529 searches and 12 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (7 times), IRS (5 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Fake IRS call.

IRS not make phone calls, send letters

Federal officer something about a court case or I'll be arrested


i called the number back and acted like a male then he wanted to know if I had a lawyer and I said I did and gave them my friends cell number (she was in on it) and he acted like a male, and said that she was my lawyer and they hung up!

Received call from same Eric Foster and that we had filed taxes incorrectly and owed money and needed to call him immediately or would be arrested. BS!!!! SCAM had the same thing pulled on me last year from the folks in the same area code and to date I haven't been arrested.... Lol

extortion with threats of arrest.

Office Eric Foster from the "IRS" same as below - scam.

Definitely a scam. Awful, awful.! Blocked

Call claimed to be Officer Eric Foster and that I owed IRS money if I didn't call back and send the money: Quote: "You will be arrested". Unquote Scam!

Officer Eric Foster from The "IRS". Obvious SCAM 2065385489

I got a call from this number 206-538-5489 and he has left a message on my voice mail and his name is Eric Forester that we filed our taxes wrong andthe IRS is filing a suit against us . Scam.


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