PHONE NUMBER: 2064518255

(206) 451-8255 is a landline number operated by ONVOY located near Seattle, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 2,259 searches and 9 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: scam (5 times), bank (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

No message left. I see I made the right decision to not answer it.

Never answered it, no voice mail left. Must be scammer

Oh, by-the-way.....Patrick Williams said he needs $250 to process the claim......when I said I do not have $250 he said when I get the money, call him back...the offer NEVER heck...I'd rather take 250-$1.00 bills and burn them and sprinkle the ashes over his body!

Hey!!! He also gave me the same security code: GG1020!! I just played along and kept this fool on the line...I figured if I kept him busy, he would not be able to scam someone else!

Tell them to take it deep

I had someone to call me with a Asian accent and gave me a code of HR590 and stated that I was to receive $8 thousand dollars and gave me this number to call aswell. When to guy answered the phone I gave him the number , but soon hung up the phone.

Received a call representing US government give away for $8400. I needed to call back to the 206 451 8255, with code HR 590..this is a scam to extract personal information. Western union .. should be the only method and investment should be for us treasury bonds... dont fall for anything else!!

Male voice, Iranian accent, said his name was Raymond Brown and that he was a verification officer. He said that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York is giving me $8,400 and that the security code was GG1020. He then asked how I wanted the money to be wired to me. He said I had to send $250 for a wiring fee before the money can be sent to me, but would receive the money back. I asked why he could not subtract the fee from the full amount, he said that he must receive the fee before sending the money. He also said the money is being given to citizens that are elderly and poor. I disconnected the phone line. This is a scam!!!



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