PHONE NUMBER: 2063363449

(206) 336-3449 is a landline number operated by MCI WORLDCOM COMMUNICATIONS located near Seattle, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 910 searches and 6 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (5 times), scam (3 times), fraud (2 times), bank (1 time)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

So I got the call from 206-336-3449 they said they were the IRS and I was being sued for tax fraud. I actually wanted to see how far they went so I played along. They said I owed 4500 dollars and I was able to settle outside of court, I asked how. He told me to go to the bank and withdraw 4500 dollars and kept saying do not talk to anyone in the bank and stuff. After I made believe I withdrew the money they told me to go to a 7/11 which they directed me to after asking for my zip code ( of course I gave them a fake zipcode) and then, surprise: He told me to purchase 4500 dollars in I-tunes cards once he said that I couldn't resist and started laughing, and they started threatening me saying the cops were coming to my house blah, blah, blah. I then ended up hanging up and they kept calling back and cursing at me So that's the whole deal with this number.

This is a SCAM!! They identify themselves as the IRS. Please don't fall for this.

This is a scam! DO NOT give these people any information or money! They claim to be IRS but it is a FRAUD!

Someone claiming the IRS will be filing a lawsuit against me and I need to call back on their government phone line.

They are saying that there is a law suit against my name for the IRS and I don't even do taxes because I am on disability and do not have to file taxes.

This is a total scam.


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