PHONE NUMBER: 2063195752

(206) 319-5752 is a landline number operated by MCIMETRO ACCESS TRANSMISSION SERVICES LLC located near Seattle, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,001 searches and 15 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (10 times), fraud (3 times), scam (2 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

Just got a call from these idiots - total scam!!!! Wish these people would get a job at a fast food chain flipping burgers instead of trying to scam people.

i called them back and said bulls*** and they hung up on me. remember IRS only initiates contact with a written letter.

Just received a call from 206-319-5752 said " from IRS, urged to call because there is a arrest warrant for me, local authority is coming to arrest you..."Criminal harrasing in computer electronic voice recording...

Got a call yesterday from this number. Called them back because I got calls from this number as well as three others associated with the same scam. Got someone on the phone. Got them to admit they were not the IRS. (Obviously) It's a call center in India using this number as well as the numbers: 206-414-4467 & 434-233-1056. It IS a confirmed scan. I called them back once on the # ending in 1056 and when I asked them for an extension where I could reach them under the ACTUAL IRS I got hung up on.

They called claiming to be the IRS, 5 times today 8 times yesterday. They told me that I owed money and they were threatening to sue me and they didn't even have my right address. I gave the Indians speaking woman a few nice choice words

We too received this phone call.

Got the same call after 10:00 am this morning. I blocked the number and reported them to the FTC.

Got a call from this number saying i owed the IRS over four thousand dollars and they had issued a warrant for my arrest,if i give them three hundred dollars they will lift the mom was on the three way with me she said she was going to contact a attorney he said no don't do that everything is confidential my mom cursed him out

I called back and hung up someone who didn't speak English good

I've been called more then a few times in last week from this number saying irs and there's a warrant.every time I've called back and actually got a hold of someone soon as I ask who they are even looking for they hang up,then won't answer again if I call back.this has happened a few times

I have been called from this number about 10 times over the past 2 weeks. I called it back and finally got through to someone and that wanted my name so they could verify who I was and get my fine resolved. Also the lady I talked to was in a very noisy room that in no way sounded like the irs.

I have received several messages from this number saying they are the IRS and that I am wanted for fraud. I need to pay them or there will be a warrant for my arrest.

I just got this computer generated call this morning. It stated that there was warrant for my arrest... I tried calling back but all I received was a dial tone.

I'm so tired of these calls saying I'm being sued for fraud. Since when do irs have robots calling

I have received several messages from this number today saying they are the IRS and that I am wanted for fraud. And I need to pay them or there will be a warrant for my arrest. It's an auto message that asks you to call back.


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