PHONE NUMBER: 2062380114

(206) 238-0114 is a landline number operated by ONVOY located near Seattle, Washington.

The overall assessment of this telephone number is Negative.

There have been 1,147 searches and 10 comments identifying with this number.

The summary of the keywords detected in the reports is as follows: IRS (7 times), scam (6 times)


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The ratings are based on actual reports of our Users. Got an unwanted call from this number? Please share your experience!

I received a call from +1 206-238-0114 this number, Saying that they're the IRS. And that they had a case number with my info and they had an Indian accent, when I asked them for their agent number an office address the guy got mad at me, why can't we do something about this our information is being leaked all over the world , , these people are taking advantage of pulling scams and stealing people's identities!!

My wife called me in tears after this a**** called her. He also had an Indian accent.

206 238 0114 calling my mother stating, final notice IRS going to put a lien on property

IRS scammer.

Same garbage scam, when I call them back they swear they are the IRS the clown on the phone has India accent.

SAME as the other people. I get several calls per day from this number. They leave me the same message as everyone else, " this is the IRS, final notice, we are suing you" etc. etc. Why can't these people be stopped ! This is CRIMINAL !

I keep getting calls from this number saying its the IRS and to call back.

Received call from this number today, they left a voicemail saying they were the IRS and they were suing me and to call back. How these scammers be stopped, this should be illegal!

I've received 3 today and before this, I was receiveing calls weekly. Why can't we stop these scammers.

Another IRS scam call. These are from the state of Washington. Leaves voice mail if you do not answer, which states this final notice that the IRS is sueing you, and to call back to the same number. This scammer is calling regularly both land line and cell. They use a different phone number every time.


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